A qualitative analysis of employer perspectives on the hiring and employment of adults with autism spectrum disorder |
Albright, J.; Kulok, S.; & Scarpa, A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Improving post-school living, learning and earning outcomes of youth with disabilities who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI): Findings and recommendations from six national PROMISE demonstration sites |
Anderson, C. & Golden, T. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, |
2019 |
Natural supports in competitive integrated employment: A scoping review |
Athamanah, L.S.; Cushing, L.S; Fastzkie, E.M.; & Brown, E.R. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
The time is now: Increasing competitive integrated employment opportunities for all Americans with disabilities |
Avellone, L. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Employment outcomes for students with intellectual disabilities in postsecondary education programs: A scoping review |
Avellone, L., Camden, J., Taylor, J., & Wehman, P. |
Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability |
2021 |
An international scoping review of factors impacting self-employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities |
Avellone, L., Malouf, E., Taylor, J. P., & Whittenburg, H. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Pursuing Paid Employment for Youth with Severe Disabilities: Multiple Perspectives on Pressing Challenges |
Awsumb, J., Schutz, M., Carter, E., Schwartzman, B., Burgess, L., & Lounds Taylor, J. |
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities |
2022 |
Connecting Students With Significant Support Needs to Employment: A Tool to Structure Employment Planning Meetings |
Awsumb, J.; Hrvatin, J.; Travers, H.; Carter, E.; & Guest, L. |
Inclusive Practices |
2024 |
Pre-employment transition services: Provider experiences with design and delivery |
Awsumb, J.M. & Carter, E.W. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Youth with disabilities: Are vocational rehabilitation services improving employment outcomes? |
Awsumb, J.M.; Balcazar, F.E.; & Keel, J.M. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Perspectives of pre-employment transition services providers on preparing youth with disabilities for employment |
Awsumb, J.M.; Carter, E.W.; Schutz, M.A.; & McMillan, E.D. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Work performance and support needs analysis of students with intellectual disabilities |
Baer, H., Welker, K., & Cox, C. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Disability inclusion strategies: An exploratory study |
Bezyak, J.; Moser, E.; Iwanaga, K.; Wu, J.; Chen, X.; & Chan, F. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Needs of human resource professionals in implicit bias and disability inclusion training: A focus group study |
Bezyak, J.; Versen, E.; Chan, F.; Lee, D.; Wu, J.R.; Iwanaga, K.; Rumrill, P.; Chen, X,; & Ho, H. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Identifying vocational rehabilitation outreach and service training priorities: A national survey from diverse perspectives |
Bishop, M., Lee, D., Zhou, K., Iwanaga, K., Chan, F. & Tansey, T. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2022 |
Comparing employment, employment services, and employment goals in propensity-matched samples of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities with and without autism |
Broda, M.D., Bogenschutz, M., Lineberry, S., Dinora, P., Prohn, S., West, A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Employer Perceptions of Hiring and Initial Support of Employees With Disabilities |
Brooke, M.B.; Taylor, P.J.; Inge, K.; Wright, T.; Wehman, P.; McDonough, J.; & Brooke, V. |
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin |
2024 |
Employees with Autism Spectrum Disorder achieving long-term employment success: A retrospective Review of Employment Retention and Intervention. |
Brooke, V., Brooke, A., Schall, C., Wehman, P., McDonough, J,. Thompson, K., & Smith, J. |
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities |
2018 |
Examining the special interest areas of autistic adults with a focus on their employment and mental health outcomes |
Bross, L.A., Huffman, J.M., & Hagiwara, M. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2022 |
A packaged intervention to improve job performance of a competitively employed young adult with autism spectrum disorder |
Bross, L.A.; Travers, J.C.; Munandar, V.D.; & Morningstar, M. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
When ordinary becomes extraordinary: A postschool follow up study of the integrated vocational functioning of 50 workers with significant intellectual disabilities, 1984-2020 |
Brown, L.; Schmid, S.; Cutler, S.; Kessler, K.; & Shiraga, B. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Job quality for Americans with disabilities |
Brucker, D. L. & Henly, M. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Exploring the role of professional development on secondary special educators self-efficacy and use of evidence-based transition practices |
Bruno, L.P., Scott, L.A., & Thoma, C.A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Using community conversations to expand employment opportunities of people with disabilities in rural and urban communities |
Bumble, J. L., Carter, E. W., McMillan, E. D., Manikas, A. S. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2017 |
The intersectionality of race, disability, gender, and employment through the Project SEARCH lens |
Buncher, A., & Daston, M. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2022 |
Comparing cost-effectiveness of video-based instruction versus extended school year for maintaining vocational skills of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Burgin, X.D.; Van Laarhoven, T.; Pinter, E.; & DeSpain, S. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Partnerships in Employment: Building strong coalitions to facilitate systems change for youth and young adults |
Butterworth, J.; Christensen, J.; & Flippo, K. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2017 |
Using data-enabled performance feedback and guidance to assist employment consultants in their work with job seekers: An experimental study |
Butterworth, J.; Migliore, A.; Nye-Lengerman, K.; Lyons, O.; Gunty, A.; Eastman, J.; & Foos, P. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on college students with intellectual disability |
Carey, G.C., Miller, B.J., & Finnegan, L.A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Learning about and qualifying for Home and Community-Based Services Waivers: Families’ perspectives and experiences |
Carlson, S.R., & Wilt, C.L. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Workplace supports for employees with intellectual disability: A systematic review of the intervention literature |
Carlson, S.R.; Morningstar, M.E.; & Munandar, V. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
An analysis of state Pre-Employment Transition Services policies |
Carlson, S.R.; Thompson, J.R.; & Monahan, J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Family perspectives on the appeals of and alternatives to sheltered employment for individuals with severe disabilities |
Carter, E. W., Bendetson, S., & Guiden, C. H. |
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities |
2018 |
Facilitators and barriers of employment among transition-age Hispanic youth with disabilities |
Castruita Rios, Y.; Lee, B.; Umucu, E.; Estala-Gutiérrez, V.; Kim, J.; & Tansey, T. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Unraveling the factors influencing engagement in vocational rehabilitation services among transition-age Hispanic youth: An exploratory study |
Castruita-Rios, Y. & Estala-Gutiérrez, V. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Collaborations to Support Employment Outcomes of Youth With Disabilities |
Castruita-Rios, Y.; Chen, X.; Park, S.; & Tansey, T. |
Scholastica |
2023 |
Teaching self-determination to youth with disabilities: The ASPIRE model |
Chambless, C.; McCormick, S.; Ipsen, C.; Kurth, N.; & Hall, J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Effects of postsecondary education on employment outcomes and earnings of young adults with traumatic brain injuries. |
Chan, F., Rumrill, P., Wehman, P., Iwanaga, K., Wu, J. R., Rumrill, S., Chen, X. & Lee, B. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Making the employment interview work for a neurodiverse workforce: Perspectives of individuals on the autism spectrum, employers, and service providers |
Chang, H., Saleh, M.C., Bruyère, S.M., & Vogus, T.J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Promoting quality career pathways for individuals with disabilities through the public vocational rehabilitation program |
Chun, J.; Anderson, C.A.; Rumrill, S.; Richard, C.; Zhou, K.; Fry, H.; & Froehlich, R.J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Job-Search Activities, Job-Seeking Barriers, and Work Experiences of Transition-Age Youths With Visual Impairments |
Cmar, J.L., & Steverson, A. |
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness |
2021 |
Preparing for the future: Vocational rehabilitation and research partnerships for innovation |
Connelly, J., & Wooderson, S. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Parental and professional perspectives on comprehensive post-secondary transition needs of youth with disabilities: An interagency case study |
Connor, A., Tilman, A., Isaacs, M., & Sung, C. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Who’s at risk of entering Social Security Disability Insurance? A comparison of application and allowance rates for groups of at-risk individuals |
Contreary, K., & Honeycutt, T. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Engaging and retaining youth SSI recipients in a research demonstration program: Maryland PROMISE |
Crane, K.T.; Gold, P.; Brodock, A.; Fabian, E.; & Morris, T. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Employer willingness to hire people with intellectual disability: The influence of employer experience, perception of work, and social responsibility |
Dean, E.E., Garrels, V., Sigstad, H.M.H., & Wendelborg, C. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2022 |
Meeting the need: The Hospitality Training Program of the Palm Beaches |
DeGoias, E., Cruz, L., & Freilich, E. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
The value of employment support services for adults on the autism spectrum and/or with intellectual disabilities: Employee, employer, and job coach perspectives |
Di Francesco, C., Murahara, F., Martin, V., Flanagan, T., & Nadig, A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Enhancing transition outcomes: A toolkit to facilitate data-driven pre-employment transition services |
Fleming, A.R.; Phillips, B.N.; Riesen, T. & Langone, A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Successful vocational rehabilitation innovations: Building a better toolbox |
Foley, S.M.; & Livermore, G. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Phase I development of the SGA Model: Use of administrative data and expert opinion to identify key components of the SGA Model |
Foley, S.M.; Haines, K.; & Mock, L. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Phase II of the SGA Project: Development of the coordinated team approach intervention |
Foley, S.M.; Haines, K.; & Mock, L. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Pre-employment transition services for students with disabilities: A scoping review |
Frentzel, E.; Geyman, Z.; Rasmussen, J.; Nye, C.; & Murphy, K.M. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Effective Vocational Rehabilitation Services for Transition-Aged Youth: Lessons From the Literature |
Friedman, K.B.; Rios, Y.C.; Huang, Y.; Wiegmann, S.M.; & Tansey, T.N. |
springerpub |
2023 |
Predicting vocational self-efficacy of unemployed adults with disabilities |
Fry, H.E.; Norwood, A.A.; Phillips, B.N.; Fleming, A.R.; Smith, G.; & Lozano III, F. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Recommendations from employees with disabilities for creating inclusive workplaces: Results from a grounded theory investigation |
Glade, R.; Koch, L.C.; Zaandam, A.; Simon, L.S.; Manno, C.M.; Rumril Jr., P.D.; & Rosen, C.C. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Centering communities, constellations and networks of practice to improve youth post-school outcomes through PROMISE |
Golden, T.; Karpur, A.; & Podolec, M. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Parent and student participation in IEP meetings: Transition-aged students still overlooked |
Goscicki, B.L., Sanderson, K.A., Urbano, R.C., & Hodapp, R.M. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Disability, diversity, and corporate social responsibility: Learning from recognized leaders in inclusion |
Gould, R.; Harris, S.P.; Mullin, C.; & Jones, R. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Making a collective impact: A School-to-Work Collaborative model |
Grossi, T.; Thomas, F.; & Held, M. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, |
2019 |
Building an Evidence-Based, Holistic Approach to Advancing Integrated Employment |
Hall, A. C., Butterworth, J., Winsor, J., Kramer, J., Nye-Lengerman, K., & Timmons, J. |
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities |
2018 |
Understanding the provision of self-employment for people with disabilities in the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program: A policy review. |
Hansen, K. & Keeton, B., & Jones, J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Early findings from the Wisconsin PROMISE project: Implications for policy and practice |
Hartman, E.; Schlegelmilch, A.; Roskowski, M.; Anderson, C.; & Tansey, T. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Soft skills for success for job seekers with autism spectrum disorder |
Herrick, S.J., Lu, W., Oursler, J., Beninato, J., Gbadamosi, S., Durante, A., & Meyers, E. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2022 |
Discovering ME: An innovative planning tool for students with significant disabilities |
Holland, L.; St. John, K.; & Getzel, E.E. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Pre-employment transition and vocational rehabilitation services: Experiences in response to Vermont’s work-based learning program |
Honeycutt, T. Luhr, M.; Harrison, E.; & Sevak, P. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Provision of Pre-Employment Transition Services: Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Variation in the First Program Year of Reporting |
Honeycutt, T.; Sevak, P.; & Rizzuto, A. |
Center for Studying Disability Policy, Research Brief |
2019 |
Community employment, facility-based work, and day activities for working age people with intellectual and developmental disability |
Houseworth, J., Pettingell, S.L., Stancliffe, R.J., Bershadsky, J., Tichá, R., & Zhang, A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2022 |
Using the independent monitoring for quality (IM4Q) program to examine employment in integrated settings in the community for people with IDD over time |
Houseworth, J.; Feinstein, C.; Pettingell, S.L.; Bershadsky, J.; Tichá, R.; Lemanowicz, J.; & Zhang, A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Defining customized employment as an evidence-based practice: The results of a focus group study |
Inge, K.J., Graham, W.C.,Brooks-Lane, N., Wehman, P., Griffin, C. |
Journal of Rehabilitation |
2018 |
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) funding of job development and placement services: Implications for rural reach |
Ipsen, C.; Goe, R.; & Bliss, S. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, |
2019 |
Engaging SSI youth and families with ASPIRE services |
Ipsen, C.; Kurth, N.; McCormick, S.; Hall, J.; & Chambless, C. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Assessing disability inclusion climate in the workplace: A brief report |
Iwanaga, K., Chen, X., Wu, J., Lee, B., Chan, F., Bezyak, J., Grenawalt, T. A., & Tansey, T. N. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2018 |
Assessing disability inclusion climate in the workplace: A brief report |
Iwanaga, K., Chen, X., Wu, J., Lee, B., Chan, F., Bezyak, J., Grenawalt, T. A., & Tansey, T. N. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2018 |
Effects of supported employment on the competitive integrated employment outcomes of transition age and young adults with intellectual disabilities: A non-experimental causal comparative study |
Iwanaga, K., Lee, D., Hamburg, J., Wu, J., Chen, X., Rumrill, P., Wehman, P., Tansey, T.N., & Chan, F. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Assessing Readiness for Employment in Vocational Rehabilitation: An Abbreviated Measure. |
Iwanaga, K., Rumrill, P., Roessler, R., Gala, B., Tansey, T., & Chan, F. |
Journal of Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Studies related to employment of persons with intellectual disability: A systematic review |
Jacob, U.S.; & Pillay, J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Delivering behavior analytic services in an inclusive job setting for a young adult with autism spectrum disorder: A case example |
Jenssen, K.J., & Van Stratton, J.E. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Assessment of work ability decline in workers with intellectual and developmental disabilities |
Jordán de Urríes, F., Sánchez, B., & Verdugo, M.Á. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2022 |
Vocational rehabilitation services and competitive employment for transition-age youth with autism spectrum disorders |
Kaya, C., Chan, F., Rumrill, P., Hartman, E., Wehman, P., Iwanaga, K., Pai, C., & Avellone, L. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2016 |
Differential vocational rehabilitation service patterns and outcomes for transition-age youth with specific learning disabilities: Implications in the COVID-19 era |
Kaya, C.; Hsu, S.; Rumrill, P.D.; Hanley-Maxwell, C.; & Chan, F. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Teaching young adults with visual impairment and intellectual/developmental disability how to determine appropriate job fit |
Kearney, K.; Torres, A.; & Quezada, S. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Implementation and impacts of the Substantial Gainful Activity Project demonstration in Minnesota |
Kehn, M., & Honeycutt, T. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Teaching conversation skills to adults with developmental disabilities using a video-based intervention package |
Kellems, R.O.; Osborne, K.; Rowe, D.; Gabrielsen, T.; Hansen, B.; Sabey, C.; Frazier, B.; Simons, K.; Jensen, M.; Zaru, M.; & Clive, M. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Customized employment as a pathway to competitive integrated employment: An analysis of RSA 911 data of state vocational rehabilitation agencies with the highest use of this intervention |
Kim, J., Riesen, T., Inge, K., Keeton, B., Weathers, M., & Tansey, T.N. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Customized employment for transition-age youth in state vocational rehabilitation program PY2017 - PY2020: Analysis of service outcomes and related factors |
Kim, J.; Park, S.; Castruita-Rios, Y.; Weathers, M.; Park, M.; Inge, K.; Riesen, T.; Keeton, B.; Avellone, L.; & Tansey, T. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Differences in youth and parent postsecondary expectations for youth with disabilities |
Kirby, A.; Dell’Armo, K.; & Persch, A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Effective vocational rehabilitation services for improving the postsecondary educational and employment outcomes of young adults with traumatic brain injuries |
Koch, L., Rumrill, P., Wu, J. R., Rumrill, S., Iwanaga, K., & Chan, F. |
Brain Injury Professional |
2020 |
Complex employment journeys: Case studies of four families of adults with intellectual disability |
Lanchak, E.R.; Carter, E.W.;McMillan, E.D.; Guest, L; Taylor, J.L.; & Schwartzman, B. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Evaluating special educator and transition personnel knowledge and skills for working with diverse families and students during the transition process: Preliminary development and validation of an assessment instrument |
Landmark, L.J.; Ju, S.; Greene, G.; & Lai, M.H.C. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Preliminary data from effects of knowledge translation methods on VR counselors providing pre-ETS to youth with significant disabilities: A brief report |
Lau, S.J., McKelvey, S. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Facilitators and barriers of pre-employment transition services implementation: Preliminary findings and recommendations |
Lau, S.J.; McKelvey, S.; Gokita, T.; Ramsey, H. & Mosley, D. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Effective Secondary Services in
Transition-Age Youth With Disabilities:
A Systematic Review of the Literature |
Lee, D.; Ramírez, M.; Castruita-Rios, Y.; Chen, X.; & Tansey, T. |
Springer Pub |
2023 |
Effects of postsecondary education on employment outcomes of youth with specific learning disabilities: A propensity score matching approach |
Li, Jiana; * | Rumrill, Jr., Phillip D.b | Iwanaga, Kanakoc | Zhang, Hand | Chan, Fonge | Strauser, David G.f |
IOS Press |
2023 |
Start on success: A school and business collaboration
model offering work-based learning for students with disabilities |
Ligon, K. St. John, K., Evans Getzel, E., McKelvey, S., & Lambert, A. |
Techniques |
2021 |
Employers’ perspectives of including young people with disabilities in the workforce, disability disclosure and providing accommodations |
Lindsay, S.; Cagliostro, E.; Leck, Joanne; S., Winny; & Stinson, J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Insights about the transition system for SSI youth from the national evaluation of Promoting Readiness of Minors in SSI (PROMISE) |
Livermore, G.; Honeycutt, T.; Mamun, A. & Kauff, J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Focus groups on employment related soft skills for transition age youth with disabilities |
Lu, W.; Oursler, J.; Gao, N.; Herrick, S.; Mariani, J.; Diviney, J.; Socha, C.; & Beninato, J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Accommodation experience: Challenges and facilitators of requesting and implementing accommodations among college students with disabilities |
Mamboleo, G.; Dong, S.; Anderson, S.; & Molder, A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
What happens after high school? A review of independent living practices to support youth with disabilities transitioning to adult life |
Mann, D.R., & Wang, M. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Launching and supporting the SGA Project in Kentucky and Minnesota: Experiences and perspectives of the Senior Technical Assistance Team |
Marrone, J.; Thelin, R.; & Mock, L. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Implementation and impacts of the Substantial Gainful Activity Project demonstration in Kentucky |
Martin, F., & Sevak, P. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Six-year earnings and disability benefit outcomes of youth vocational rehabilitation applicants |
Martin, F.H.; Honeycutt, T.C.; & Hemmeter, J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Experimental analysis of multi-component intervention to support youth in integrated work settings |
Mazzotti, V.L.; Kittelman, A.; Bromley, K.W.; & Hirano, K.A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
What predicts job quality of vocational rehabilitation consumers who are blind or have low vision? |
McDonnall, M.C., Cmar, J.L., & McKnight, Z. |
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin |
2021 |
Providing technical assistance to inclusive postsecondary education programs on paid employment experiences of college students with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A case study |
McKelvey, S.P.; Lambert, A.; Camden, J.; Getzel, E.E.; & Norris, S. |
IOS Press |
2024 |
Providing technical assistance to inclusive postsecondary education programs on paid employment experiences of college students with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A case study |
McKelvey, S.P.; Lambert, A.; Camden, J.; Getzel, E.E.; & Norris, S. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Supporting employment consultants leveraging data to deliver quality services and outcomes |
Migliore, A., Miles, B., Fleisig, M., Gentry, J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Leveraging electronic documentation software to improve employment outcomes of job seekers with disabilities |
Migliore, A., Petrick, M., Dierks, K., Finkle, P., & Suyer, A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2022 |
Inclusive apprenticeships: Advancing employment equity for jobseekers with disabilities |
Mitchell, D., Cully, J., Hoff, D. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Using an iPad job coaching intervention to enhance food preparation skills for individuals with developmental disabilities |
Morse, K.P., Dukes, C., Brady, M.P., Frain, M., & Duffy, M. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
A systematic literature review of video-based interventions to improve integrated competitive employment skills among youth and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Munandar, V.D.; Morningstar, M.E.; & Carlson, S.R. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Examining the gender role in workplace experiences among employed adults with autism: Evidence from an online community |
Nagib, W., & Wilton, R. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Perspectives of employers about hiring individuals with autism spectrum disorder: Evaluating a cohort of employers engaged in a job-readiness initiative |
Nicholas, D., Mitchell, W., Zulla, R., & Dudley, C |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Using data to advance Employment First: Opportunities and direction |
Nord, D. & Grossi, T. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Employment Goals and Settings: Effects of Individual and Systemic Factors |
Nord, D.; Hamre, K.; Pettingell, S.; and Magiera, L. |
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities |
2018 |
Making the cut when applying for jobs online |
Novak, J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2017 |
Making the cut when applying for jobs online |
Novak, J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2017 |
Use of video self-modelling to teach combined vocational and social skills to an adult with autism spectrum disorder |
Parsons, N., D’Aprano, F., Parish, A., Hughes, M.E., & Outsikas, A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2022 |
Using wireless technology to support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in vocational settings: A focus group study |
Paul, C.D., Thomas, E.V., Marelle, C., Hussain, S.Z., Doulin, A.M., & Jimenez, E. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2022 |
Stress and Resilience for Parents of Children With
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities:
A Review of Key Factors and Recommendations
for Practitioners |
Peer, J.W & Hillman, S.B. |
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities |
2014 |
Examining a leadership development initiative for college students with intellectual and developmental disability: A brief report |
Plotner, A.; Walters, C.B.; & Rother, Y. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Transition self-assessment tool: The development and field testing of a statewide assessment of pre-employment transition services |
Poppen, M.; Sheftel, A.; Lindstrom, L.E.; Rowe, D.A.; Unruh, D. & Mazzotti, V.L. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
A summary of the self-employment outcomes in the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program: Program years 2018, 2019, and 2020 |
Revell, W. G., Inge, K. J., Cimera, R., Keeton, B., & Brinck, E. A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Employer views of customized employment: A focus group analysis. |
Riesen, T. & Morgan, R.L. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2018 |
An examination of vocational rehabilitation requirements for self-employment technical assistance and consultative services |
Riesen, T., Keeton, B., Byers, R., & Snyder, A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Identifying the knowledge, skills, and barriers for self-employment |
Riesen, T., Sullivan, M., Snyder, A., & Keeton, B. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
An exploratory factor analysis: Factors influencing employers’ disposition to hire and retain persons with disabilities |
Rodriguez, J.N.; Marini, I.; Chen, R.K.; & Tanguma, J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
A scoping review of pre-employment transition services for transition aged youth with disabilities |
Rooney-Kron, M.; Malouf, E.T.; Brenner, H.R.; Taylor, J.; Whittenburg, H.; Carlson, S. & Avellone, L. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Leveraging the stages of learning to optimize pre-employment transition service delivery |
Rowe, D.A.; Diehl, M. & Fowler, C.H. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
New directions in rehabilitation counseling research: Emerging theoretical considerations, subject matter, and scientific methods. |
Rumrill, P., Bellini, J., & Koch, L. |
Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling |
2019 |
Interagency collaboration in transition to adulthood: A mixed methods approach to identifying promising practices and processes in the NYS PROMISE project |
Saleh, M.; Shaw, L.; Malzer, V.; & Podolec, M. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
New approaches to customized employment: Enhancing cross-system partnerships |
Salon, R. S., Boutot, N., Ozols, K., Keeton, B., & Steveley, J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Providing supportive transition services to individuals with autism spectrum disorder: Considerations for vocational rehabilitation professionals |
Sansosti, Frank J.; Merchant, Deborah; Koch, Lynn C.; Rumrill, Phillip; Herrera, Alexa |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2017 |
Competitive integrated employment for youth and adults with autism: Findings from a scoping review |
Schall, C., Wehman, P., Avellone, L., & Taylor, J. |
Child Adolescent and Psychiatric Clinics of North America |
2020 |
Employment Interventions for People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Delphi Study of Stakeholder Perspectives |
Schall, C.; Avellone, L.; & Wehman, P. |
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities |
2024 |
The resiliency of employees with intellectual and developmental disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic shutdown: A retrospective review of employment files |
Schall, C.; Brooke, V.; Rounds, R.; & Lynch, A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
The impact of work incentives benefits counseling on employment outcomes of transition-age youth receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits |
Schlegelmilch, A.; Roskowski, M.; Anderson, C.; Hartman, E.; & Decker-Maurer, H. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Elevating the employment outcomes of transition-age youth with disabilities: Four decades of intervention research (In Press) |
Schutz, M. A., & Carter, E. W. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2022 |
Employment Interventions for Youth With Disabilities: A Review of Transition Practices and Partners |
Schutz, M. A., & Carter, E. W. |
Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals |
2022 |
Elevating the employment outcomes of transition-age youth with disabilities: Four decades of intervention research |
Schutz, M.A., & Carter, E.W. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2022 |
Parent Perspectives on Pre-Employment Transition Services for Youth With Disabilities |
Schutz, M.A., Awsumb, J.M., Carter, E.W., & McMillan, E.D. |
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin |
2021 |
Examining school-community transition partnerships using community conversations |
Schutz, M.A., Carter, E.W., Maves, E.A., Gajjar, S. A., & McMillan, E.D. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Pathways to paid work for youth with severe disabilities: Perspectives on strategies for success |
Schutz, M.A., Schwartzman, B., Awsumb, J.M., Burgess, L., Carter, E.W., & Taylor, J.L. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Family Perspectives on Promoting Paid Employment for Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities |
Schwartzman, B.; Lanchak, E.; Carter, E.; Guest, L.; McMillan, E.; & Taylor, J. |
sagepub |
2023 |
Mixed methods analysis of an exploratory apprenticeship model employment program for young adults with developmental disabilities |
Schwartzman, B.C. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Utility of the workplace participation domain of the Youth and Young-adult Participation and Environment Measure (Y-PEM): Stakeholder’s perspectives |
Shahin, S.; Ryan, M.; DiRezze, B.; Ahmed, S.; & Anaby, D. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Impact of COVID-19: Considerations for individuals with developmental disabilities across major life domains |
Sheppard-Jones, K.; Avellone, L.; Rumrill, P.; & Seward, H. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
The Inclusive Higher Education Imperative: Promoting Long-Term Postsecondary Success for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
in the COVID-19 Era |
Sheppard-Jones, K.; Moseley, E.; Kleinert, H.; Collett, J.; & Rumrill, P. |
Journal of Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Evaluating the differential impact of interventions to promote self-determination and goal attainment for transition-age youth with intellectual disability |
Shogren, K. A., Burke, K. M., Anderson, M. H., Antosh, A. A., Wehmeyer, M. L., LaPlante, T., & Shaw, L. A. |
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities |
2018 |
Multicultural ethics in rehabilitation services |
Smith, Tammy Jorgensen |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Achieving competitive, customized employment through specialized services (ACCESS) |
Smith, Tammy Jorgensen; Ching, Deveney; Weston, Amanda; & Dillahunt-Aspillaga, Christina J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Exploring social networks, employment and self-determination outcomes of graduates from a postsecondary program for young adults with an intellectual disability |
Spencer, P., Van Haneghan, J., & Baxter, A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Vocational rehabilitation on the road to Social Security Disability |
Stapleton, D.C., & Martin, F.H. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Employment outcomes and support needs of Michigan Project SEARCH graduates with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A mixed-method study |
Sung, C.; Fisher, M.H.; Okyere, C.; Park, J.; & Choi, H. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Lessons from the Diversity Partners Project: Using knowledge translation to strengthen business engagement strategies and improve employment outcomes for job seekers with disabilities |
Tamburo, J., Switzer, E., & Gower, W. S. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Fortune favors the bold: Special series on the vocational rehabilitation technical assistance center for quality employment |
Tansey, T.N., Anderson, C., Strauser, D., Bishop, M., Chan, F., & Wehman, P. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Vocational rehabilitation service delivery: Technical assistance needs of vocational rehabilitation professionals |
Tansey, T.N., Bishop, M., Iwanaga, K., Zhou, K., & Chan, F. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
“It makes me feel part of the society”: Return-to-work decisions of SSDI beneficiaries |
Taylor, A.B., & Blackburn, N. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Facilitating self-employment as a competitive integrated employment outcome: Results of a focus group study with vocational rehabilitation professionals. |
Taylor, J. P., Inge, K. J., & Malouf, E. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
The impact of competitive integrated employment on
economic, psychological, and physical health outcomes for
individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities |
Taylor, J., Avellone, L., Brooke, V., Wehman, P., Inge, K., Schall, C., & Iwanaga, K. |
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities |
2022 |
Inclusion of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities & postsecondary outcomes: A systematic review of the literature. |
Taylor, J., Rooney, M., Avellone, L., Seward, H., Whittenburg, H., & Thoma, C. |
Inclusion |
2020 |
Cost-benefit analyses of employment services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A scoping review |
Taylor, J.; Avellone, L.; Cimera, R.; Brooke, V.; Lambert, A.; & Iwanaga, K. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Introduction to the special issue: Examining the impact of pre-employment transition services |
Taylor, J.P. & Whittenburg, H.N. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
The promise and the challenge of pre-employment transition services: The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act after ten years |
Taylor, J.P. & Whittenburg, H.N. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
The efficacy of competitive integrated employment versus segregated employment for persons with disabilities: A systematic review |
Taylor, J.P., Avellone, L., Wehman, P., & Brooke, V. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Implementation of Pre-Employment Transition Services: A Content Analysis of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act State Plans |
Taylor, J.P., Whittenburg, H.N., Rooney-Kron, M., Gokita, T., Lau, S.J., Thoma,C.A., & Scott, L.A. |
Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals |
2021 |
COVID-19 stress, resilience, and job loss concerns in people with chronic conditions and disabilities |
Thimbriel, R., Urkmez, B., Lee, B., & Umucu, E. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2022 |
Establishing an Intra-University Alliance to Increase Early Career-Planning Opportunities for Students with Autism |
Traylor, T.; Holland, L.; Ham, W.; Getzel, E.; & Akom, K. |
Collaborations |
2022 |
Career and work-based learning interventions for young recipients of Supplemental Security Income |
Tucker, M.; Guillermo, M.S.; & Corona, V. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Enhancing employment outcomes for autistic youth: Using machine learning to identify strategies for success |
urley-Hanson, A.E.; Giannantonio, C.M.; Hyde, K.; Linstead, E.; Wiegand, R.; & Brady, J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Employer views on school-business partnerships involving students with severe disabilities |
Valentini, B., Carter, E. W., Bumble, J. L., & Hill, E. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
A review of interview preparation via virtual and mixed reality for individuals with intellectual and developmental disorder |
Walker, Z.; Lee, S.J.: Wienke, W.; & Tan, D. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, |
2019 |
Supported employment and customized employment: How effective are these interventions and what has been their impact on the field? |
Wehman, P. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2023 |
Effect of supported employment on vocational rehabilitation outcomes of transition-age youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A case control study |
Wehman, P., Chan, F., Ditchman, N., & Kang, H.J. |
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities |
2014 |
Toward competitive employment for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities: What progress have we made and where do we need to go. |
Wehman, P., Taylor, J., Brooke, V., Avellone, L., Whittenburg, H., Ham, W., Molinelli B., A., & Carr, S. |
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities |
2018 |
Autism and neurodiversity in the workplace: A scoping review of key trends, employer roles, interventions and supports |
Wen, B.; van Rensburg, H.; O’Neill, S.; & Attwood, T. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
State-level characteristics and trends in pre-employment transition service delivery to students with disabilities |
Whittenburg, H.N.; Avellone, L.; Taylor, J.P.; Park, S.; Poppen, M.; Rios, Y.C. & Tansey, T. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2024 |
Comparing employment outcomes for youth with learning disabilities and postsecondary educational experience |
Whittenburg, H.N.; Cimera, R.E.; Willis, C.; Taylor, J.P.; & Thoma, C.A. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2020 |
Employment supports in early work experiences for transition-age youth with disabilities who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) |
Williams, B.; Lo, Wen-Juo; Hill, J.; Ezike, N.; & Huddleston, J. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |
Post-secondary apprenticeships for youth: Follow-up case studies |
Wilson, P. G., Killam, S. G., Griffiths, L., Stazio, L. C., Ellis, R. B., Esta, M., & Ukachu, A. N. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, |
2019 |
An analysis of training and vocational rehabilitation services for individuals with intellectual disability |
Young Illies, M., Valentini, B.J., Ingles, K.E., & Gilson, C.B. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Effect of self-advocacy training on students with disabilities: Adult outcomes and advocacy involvement after participation |
Zhang, D., Roberts, E., Landmark, L., & Ju, S. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2019 |