Research Article

Article Details

Citation:  Parsons, N., D’Aprano, F., Parish, A., Hughes, M.E., & Outsikas, A. (2022). Use of video self-modelling to teach combined vocational and social skills to an adult with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 57 (1), 41-52.
Title:  Use of video self-modelling to teach combined vocational and social skills to an adult with autism spectrum disorder
Authors:  Parsons, N., D’Aprano, F., Parish, A., Hughes, M.E., & Outsikas, A.
Year:  2022
Journal/Publication:  Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Publisher:  IOS Press
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Peer-reviewed?  No
NIDILRR-funded?  Yes

Structured abstract:

Background:  Autistic adults have difficulty in learning vocational and social skills, which often translates into low employment rates. Video self-modelling (VSM) is an effective educational technique for high-support-needs autistic adults, with the ability to teach challenging vocational skills as well as basic social skills.
Purpose:  The present study examined the use of video self-modelling to teach vocational and social skills to a 22-year-old autistic adult. Target behaviours categories included (1) reading order forms, (2) transporting goods, and (3) engaging with customers.
Data collection and analysis:  A multiple baseline design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the videos in teaching these target behaviours. The dependent variables were the percentage of tasks completed correctly, and quantitative prompt dependency, using a least-to-most prompting strategy.
Findings:  Results showed that VSM modestly improved reading order forms and transporting goods, and moderately improved engagement with customers.
Conclusions:  This intervention resulted in the successful employment of an autistic adult in a job that he desired, whilst teaching him skills he specifically struggled with. As such, VSM should be considered for others wanting to learn combined social and vocational skills.

Disabilities served:  Autism / ASD
Interventions:  Vocational assessment
Vocational rehabilitation
Social skills
Video modeling