Research Article

Article Details

Citation:  Novak, J. (2017). Making the cut when applying for jobs online. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 46 (3), 293-299.
Title:  Making the cut when applying for jobs online
Authors:  Novak, J.
Year:  2017
Journal/Publication:  Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Publisher:  IOS Press
Research summary:
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Peer-reviewed?  No
NIDILRR-funded?  Yes

Structured abstract:

Background:  Companies are increasingly moving toward the use of web-based hiring practices. Unfortunately, job applicants with disabilities may encounter barriers to accessing and submitting online job applications. Recent research reveals that nearly half of job seekers with disabilities who applied for a job online found the experience to be difficult or impossible.
Purpose:  This article provides job seekers with intellectual and developmental disabilities and those who support them with winning strategies for navigating the online application process.
Conclusions:  Strategies focus on getting your application through automated filters in applicant tracking systems, making a good first impression, requesting assistance, leveraging your personal connections, and standing out from the crowd.

Disabilities served:  Multiple disabilities
Populations served:  Other
Interventions:  Accommodations
Job search and placement assistance
Online training
Accommodations / modifications
Outcomes:  Other