Research Studies (2019-2024)


The purpose of the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Employment of Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) is to help reduce the continuing high levels of unemployment among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. To accomplish this, we have engaged a team of researchers who bring the knowledge and expertise to offer a series of studies. The leadership team includes:

  • Dr. Paul Wehman, Valerie Brooke, Dr. Katty Inge, and Dr. Lauren Avellone: Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Dr. Erik Carter: Vanderbilt University
  • Dr. Fong Chan and Tim Tansey: University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • Dr. Phil Rumrill: Kent State University

The cornerstone of this RRTC is a series of six studies that examine the critical variables that have the potential to improve competitive integrated employment (CIE) outcomes for individuals with IDD.


Research Study #1 (Led by Virginia Commonwealth University): Systematic Reviews of Employment Evidenced-Based Practices and Policies: Identifying Research Based Knowledge to Facilitate CIE for People with IDD.

Research Study #2 (Led by Virginia Commonwealth University): Evaluation of a Demand Side Approach to Connect a Large Corporation to Workers with IDD: A mixed Method Study.

Research Study #3 (Led by University of Wisconsin): Evaluation of a Technology Early Career Preparation Intervention (TECH-Prep) for African American Youth with IDD: A Random Control Trial Study

Research Study #4 (Led by Kent State University): Cognitive Support Technology for Postsecondary Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Randomized Control Trial at the Intervention Efficacy Stage of Research

Research Study #5 (Led by Vanderbilt University): Effects of Parent Mentoring on the Competitive Integrate Employment Outcomes of Young Adults with IDD: A Mixed Method Study

Research Study #6 (Led by Virginia Commonwealth University): The Impact of Competency-based Training and TA on the Competitive Integrated Employment Outcomes of Individuals with IDD: A Mixed Method Study