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April 2022

VCU RRTC on Employment of Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Webcast Opportunities!

Transition to Employment

Woman wait server in restaurant.

Career Outcomes: Taking Action Together

Date: 4/28/2022 (2pm - 2:45pm ET)

Presenters: Wendy Parent-Johnson, PhD, CRC, CESP, Dir. Sonoran University Center for Excellence in Disabilities, The University of Arizona; and D. Richard Johnson, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, University of Missouri-Kansas City

This webcast is worth 1 CRC credit.

In this webcast, the presenters will cover the following topics:

    • Understanding community employment services
    • Engaging adult service agencies
    • Sharing relevant work preference and support information
    • Implementing steps leading to employment outcomes
    • Data collection, follow-up, and success stories

Register Online (Registration is free but required.)

Also included in this Transition to Employment series:

Collaborative Relationships: Promoting Transition Capable Youth (archived) - These topics are discussed: Key Lessons (Total Impact + Holistic Approach + Capable, I AM); Establishing a Collective Impact Team; Models of Holistic, Collaborative Relationships; Emerging Adults as a Team MEMBER; and Content and Practice that generates “Capability”.

Employment AHEAD: Giving Youth Space to Lead (archived) -These topics are covered: Planning secondary vocational programming; Developing supported leadership and goal-setting opportunities; Elevating employment expectations; Implementing Work-Based Learning experiences (preETS); and Incorporating employment into the transition process.

View the Archives - (Each webcast is worth 1 CRC credit.)

New Research Summary & Postcard

Employment outcomes for students with intellectual disabilities in postsecondary education programs: A scoping review

Employment outcomes for students with intellectual disabilities in postsecondary education programs: A scoping review

A Quick Look: Attending a college, university, or technical school for advanced training increases a person’s odds of getting a job after exiting high school. Since individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are less likely than people without disabilities to be employed, receiving postsecondary education training is particularly important. Across the United States, at least 295 postsecondary education programs (PSE) exist at colleges and universities for students with IDD. A review of research was conducted to determine how PSE programs help students with IDD learn employment skills and get a job. Continue Reading the Summary

Research PostcardEmployment outcomes for students with IDD

Employment outcomes for students with IDD Postcard

At a Glance!

This postcard highlights the key research findings:

  • Most students with IDD got a job after exiting a PSE program, with a range of 50.8% - 91%.
  • Nearly all PSE programs in the review described use of both employment coursework and applied vocational experiences.
  • The review indicates a positive impact of attending a PSE program on becoming employed for students with IDD..

* This summary and postcard are for general information and reference purposes. The original article is owned and copyright protected by the Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability.

Avellone, L.; Camden, J.; Taylor, J.; & Wehman, P. (2021). Employment outcomes for students with intellectual disabilities in postsecondary education programs: A scoping reivew. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 34(3) 223-238.

Learn more about this article and others by visiting the RRTC Research Articles Database.

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Virginia Commonwealth University
1314 W. Main St. | P.O. Box 842011 | Richmond, VA 23284-2011
Email: rrtc@vcu.edu
VCU-RRTC-EP is funded by NIDILRR grant #90RTEM0003.