Career Outcomes: Taking Action Together
Date: 4/28/2022 (2pm - 2:45pm ET)
Presenters: Wendy Parent-Johnson, PhD, CRC, CESP, Dir. Sonoran University Center for Excellence in Disabilities, The University of Arizona; and D. Richard Johnson, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, University of Missouri-Kansas City
This webcast is worth 1 CRC credit.
In this webcast, the presenters will cover the following topics:
- Understanding community employment services
- Engaging adult service agencies
- Sharing relevant work preference and support information
- Implementing steps leading to employment outcomes
- Data collection, follow-up, and success stories
Register Online (Registration is free but required.)
Also included in this Transition to Employment series:
Collaborative Relationships: Promoting Transition Capable Youth (archived) - These topics are discussed: Key Lessons (Total Impact + Holistic Approach + Capable, I AM);
Establishing a Collective Impact Team;
Models of Holistic, Collaborative Relationships;
Emerging Adults as a Team MEMBER; and
Content and Practice that generates “Capability”.
Employment AHEAD: Giving Youth Space to Lead (archived) -These topics are covered: Planning secondary vocational programming; Developing supported leadership and goal-setting opportunities; Elevating employment expectations; Implementing Work-Based Learning experiences (preETS); and Incorporating employment into the transition process.
View the Archives - (Each webcast is worth 1 CRC credit.)